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8 reasons to join

ClassACT is an innovative opportunity to make a difference, to create positive change, and to build relationships with classmates.  There is currently no similar initiative in the Harvard Alumni community.

    1. You can participate in an innovative and visionary classmate organization dedicated to positive social change.
    2. You can harness ClassACT HRX8 to support your passions and enhance the work you already do.
    3. You can join one of ClassACT HRX8 initiatives by contributing to it your talent and expertise.

    4. You can start a discussion group and build an audience through our website.

    5. You can help ClassACT HRX8 develop strategies and processes to build our organization and expand our footprint.

    6. You can read our newsletter, visit our website, or talk among your classmates about us.

    7. You can make a financial contribution directly to a ClassACT HRX8 initiative or a sponsored project (ClassACT HRX8 does not solicit funds for sponsored projects or affiliated organizations).

    8. You can make a financial contribution to fund the operating expenses of ClassACT HRX8, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization.

"If you don't like the way the world is, you change it. You have an obligation to change it. You just do it one step at a time." — 

Marian Wright Edelman

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